Shocking Developments: The Status of Stun Guns

Let me start this out by saying that I am not a proponent of stun guns for responsibly armed citizens. People have justified and promoted their use by citizens by arguing that “law enforcement officers carry them, so they should be enough for everyone else.” True, many officers carry stun guns as part of their daily equipment, but those stun guns are not the officers’ primary weapons; they are less-than-lethal options when lethal force might not be necessary to control certain individuals.

Can you imagine a police officer or sheriff’s deputy carrying an electronic control device but not a sidearm? My position is that it makes little sense for you to intentionally plan to respond to a violent, imminent threat to your life with a limited and lower level of response. In fact, opting for one might cause you to face the same legal implications as choosing a firearm, and you likely will not avoid any costs or consequences.

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Shocking Developments: The Status of Stun Guns